Don't judge this recipe just yet. Like they say, don't judge a book by its cover. Or rather in this case, don't judge the name before you taste the dish. After all, there have been some pretty successful recipes on Public Lives, Secret Recipes that I'm sure you weren't so gung-ho about the first time you saw the. Remember the Coca-Cola Mentos Cupcakes? Or how about the Spaghetti & Meatball Burger? Both not your standard recipe but they tasted & looked awesome so again, don't judge this until you try it.
One of my favorite foods to eat is tuna on crispy rice. The mix of textures & freshness of the fish (well, you better hope you're getting fresh fish) is the perfect combination & the bite size pieces are just the cherry on top. So last time when I was ordering this I couldn't help but notice the similarities between something I do everyday: make Rice Krispie treats, and something I'd love to eat everyday: tuna on crispy rice. That's when it hit me, why not try the two together? I'm not going to lie to you, fish can be very freaky, which is why I don't like to prepare it myself. You'd think that after spending the majority of my day in a kitchen I'd feel comfortable enough to tackle fish preparation, but not just yet. Luckily, there is a local market near me that serves fresh fish & they'll prepare it however you like. Once I found out that I could buy the tuna fresh but prepared I was on a mission to develop my own version of the crispy rice. 

I was a bit hesitant myself to try this recipe at first. Yet I was surprisingly pleased with the results. The texture of the Rice Krispies plus the flavoring of the tuna & spicy mayo results in the perfect balance of salty & sweet. My dad said it perfectly, it tastes like you're eating a toasted bagel with lox. The best part about this recipe? If you buy the tuna pre-made like I did then it is super easy!
baking spray
4 tbsp unsalted butter
1 package Jet-Puffed marshmallows
12 oz. chopped & mashed tuna
ginger, to taste
spicy mayo, to taste
Step 1:
In medium saucepan melt 3 tbsp butter over low heat.
Step 2:
While butter is melting, spray baking tray with baking spray. Additionally, rub butter along inside of medium mixing bowl until covered & pour in Rice Krispies.
Step 3:
When butter is full melted, pour marshmallows into saucepan & stir continually until smooth.
Step 4:
Pour marshmallow & butter mixture over Rice Kripsies & stir until well coated.
Step 5:
Place mixture in baking tray and press down gently until about 3/4 in. thick.
Step 6:
Cut krispies into 1.5 x .5 inch rectangles. Top with a spoonful of tuna & drizzle on spicy mayo as desired. Serve with ginger & enjoy!
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