Selasa, 09 Juni 2015

Water Chestnut Cake

Posted By: Rynisma - 03.46


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Recipe source - by  Mama Cheung




115g Water chestnut powder
225g Rock sugar
1/2 block of brown cane sugar (about 50g)
180g chopped water chestnut
1.5 tbsp cooking oil
3.5 bowls of water


用 一杯半水開溶馬蹄粉,剩下的兩杯水用來煮糖. 當糖溶了後,將馬蹄碎放進糖水內.煮五分鐘,滾起拔出泡泡.再隔五分鐘後,攪勻馬蹄粉漿,一路倒入鍋子裡,一路攪勻糖水.收細火,用木鏟不停大力攪粉醬, 攪三至四分鐘.將蒸盤濕水,令馬蹄糕蒸好後容易取出.將煮好的馬蹄糕粉漿倒入盤內,盡量鋪平些.水滾了,放蒸盤在鑊上,搇蓋,收中火,蒸二十分鐘.好,夠 鐘了,馬蹄糕,又爽又滑,完成了.


Use 1.5 bowl of water to dissolve the water chestnut powder. Use the other 2 cups of water to dissolve the sugar in a pan.  When the sugar has melted, add in the chopped water chestnut and cook for 5 minutes.  Remove the froth from the surface.  After 5 minutes, stir the water chestnut powder mixture into the pot.  Use a wooden stirrer to stir the mixture vigorously, the mixture will thicken as we stir.  Rinse the metal container with water before adding the mixture in.  When the water is boiled in the wok, place the container in the wok and steam for 20 minutes. Water chestnut cake is ready to serve after it cooled down.  It can be eaten as it is, or it can be lightly fried before serve. Enjoy!

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